Thursday, January 25, 2007

Filial Love

Filial Love

Jesus said that the greatest commandments were to love God and to love others. John the apostle wrote that "God is love".

Today is going to be all about Love, and specifically about 4 kinds of love as found in the Greek language.

It will be about love as pertaining to a person- not Pizza love.

Define “Love”- (Ask Audience)

Pop Culture:
What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more!
What’s love go to do with it…. What’s love, a second hand emotion.
You’ve lost, that lovin feeling….

“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained” C.S. Lewis

Love as a virtue- a virtue is a disposition of the will. That means that you can choose it. And the more often you choose it, the easier it gets- you develop a habit of choosing to love.

Want to acquire the virtue of love? Think of the person you find most difficult to love, of everyone you know. The one who gets on your nerves or makes you angry the most often.

Jesus said “Love your enemies.” If you can love that person, then you can teach yourself how to love. (True love comes from God, but we’ll get into that later. For now we’ll talk about the discipline of loving.)

A lot of people, if you ask them who in their lives is the hardest to love, will think of someone in their family. A brother, sister, parent….

GK Chesterton, a Christian writer, pointed out that while we can choose our friends, and we tend to choose people who are just like us, we don’t get to choose our families. We’re stuck with the ones we have! How many people here have family members that you can hardly believe are related to you because they are so different? The music they like, the way they dress, the things they think are funny or fun, the TV shows they watch….. the way they think about politics or religion or philosophy. The sports teams they cheer for! Imagine being related to someone who cheered for the Oilers- brutal!

When we speak of filial love, we usually mean the kind of love a parent has for a child. Parents will tell you that something weird happens when you have a baby- you love them
How many commandments are there?
What is the 4rth commandment?

Honour your Father and Mother.

Commandments are split into two sections- those that have to do with loving God, and those that have to do with loving other people. And the first one in the second category- before “Don’t steal” ‘Don’t Kill” and “Don’t commit adultery” is Honour your father and mother! So for some reason God thinks that this is pretty important.

- Obey
- Respect
- Honour in speech
- Serve
- Forgive

Catherines Story

Remember that forgiveness is a choice just like love. So, just like love, forgiveness is something you can choose to do even when you don't feel like it. And pray that the feelings will follow!

Lastly, you probably have some ideas about how you would like your family to run when you're a parent. Maybe you want to pray together with your family, or spend quality time together, or not have a lot of negative humour or fighting. As teenagers you are becoming adults- that means that your role in the family is beggining to be one of leadership, to some degree. Of course, your parents are still the boss, but if you want to see these things happen in your family, you can start to make it happen.

Pray for your family!


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