Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Adventures in Africa 1

I have decided to, as far as possible, keep a blog of my adventures while in Kenya, and leading up to that. I say 'as far as possible' because I do not expect to ghave frequent e-mail access upon arrival.

I am in the Gatwick airport now- spending £1/10 minutes to type this. I am always reminded that the only way to feel good about spending money in Europe or even the States is to pretend the exchange is on par. If I consider that I just spent £9 on breakfast, and that that works out to roughly $17, I'll feel ripped off. But if I just think of it as $9, well, it is still to be avoided, but more reasonable. And so it goes, when travelling.

I am traveling with Christopher Russel, husband of former Holy Spirit youth minister Bryanna Russel. Bryanna was kind enough to book pretty much everything for us, and I had a great sleep in the hotel we stayed at at Gatwick. Topher was still asleep when I got up, so I figured I'd just get out here and do some computer work. Once he gets up, we will spend the day touring London. Our flight to Dubai does not leave until this evening, and we will be traveling overnight.

Incredibly, the cheapest way to travel to Kenya is through London and Dubai. Clearly Dubai is determined to establish itself as a hub of tourism and travel, and I don't mind much the detour, since I imagine that it will be a fascinating place to see. Within a very few days, 3 all told, I will have been in 4 continents.

I am interested to see Dubai, but I am afraid that it may just be like Vegas. Very attractive to the materialistic and superficial, but for those of us trying to be counter cultural nothing but stress and dissapointment. I have to be honest here- I am gald that I am touring Londion and Dubai before actually doing the mission in Kenya, because I am certain that once I experience the poverty and lifestyle fior three weeks, my conscience will not easily allow me to be selfish with my money.

This is what I hope for out of this trip. I want top be changed. Of course, the trip is partly motivated out of a desire to evangelize to others. Bring some solid theology and hope to a people that, as I understand it, are largely confused. But I hope that I will see miracles, conversions, and perhaps even enough poverty that it will take a serious grip on me and make me adopt a more simple lifestyle. I have been compromising my standards of simplicity for some time now- particularly in the aquisition of a car, and the frequency with which I use it. It is not right that I should enjoy so many luxuries in life while others are starving. Especially since part of the reason I can enjoy so many luxuries is because of the oppression of those in 3rd world countries.

Also with the miracles. My faith can easily be reduced to an intellectual faith. I was listening to Hank Hanegraaff (the 'Bible answer man') the other day on the radio. He is a fundamentalist with a really funny quirk- he seems absoluetely convinced that he's right. Now of course, protestantism lends itself to this anyway- without a central wuthority, everyone interpretting scriptures for themselves, and everyone apparantly guided by the Holy Spirit, each individual is forced to the unlikely conclusion that they are right amd everyone else is wrong. But Hank will go even further, by stating that other popular protestant preachers are worng!

For example, in this particular broadcast, he was talking about Benny Hinn, a popular evangelist with an aparent healing ministry. According to 'The Bible Answer Man', Benny's healings could all be attributed to natural causes. I was stunned to hear the Hank Hanegraaff aparently does not believe that miracles continue to happen.

This tends to be my own stand, though. I am ever suspicious of those who say that they have recieved a miraculous healing or private revelation. But I understand that travelling with Renewal Ministries, I will likely witness these myself- the blind will see, the lame will walk, the posessed shall be exorcised. Just like in the days of the apostles!

Sitting here in the airport, it is hard to even imagine- like some bizaar, unbelievable story. Surrounded by well dressed people of every culture, and using a computer- do places like Kenya still exist?

If you have read this far, (which I tend to doubt that many will, but you never know!) then please pray for me. I am very insufficient for the tasks God has given me- and incredibly thankful that he has given them to me none the less!
