Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why bother keeping a blog?

I have decided to take up the blog again. I used to use this blog mostly for the purposes of saving my talks in a place where I could access them wherever I was- you can tell, because some of the older posts are even in point form! I figured that, despite the disjointed sentences, there was a possibility that someone may get something out of the notes- and indeed, people have (judging by the comments). I should mention too that I consider this blog tyo be an extension of my ministry at OLVC and at Sacred Heart Church in Wetaskiwin. As such, I do not mind comments that dissagree with what I am saying, however, if my commenters are so limmited in their vocabulary that they feel they have to include curses, or likewise- I will delete them! After all, I am even going to link this to my websites!

So, to begin the new era of blogging, I should mention why I have taken it up again. There is a part of me that is reluctant. It is somewhat self glorifying to think that people would be that interested in what I have to say, or whatever I am pondering on a given day. I only want to do things for the glory of God. But I sometimes wonder if the idea of only doing things for the glory of God sometimes prevents Chriustians from creating. we are so afraid of the secondary objective, that out of 'humility' we do nothing at all!

After all, "the Glory of God is Man Fully Alive" (St Irenaeus). Our dignity of man consists in being created in the image and likeness of God, which includes the creative potential that is unique to God. So as men we are not glorifying God unless we are using and developing our gifts. The fact that our motives are tainted (tainted may be a garve understatement) should not prevent us from doing the things which god uniquely created us to do!

So there it is. There is another reason that I have chosen to embrace blogging. Despite whether or not anyone will actually read this, it is good to develop clarity of thought and of expression through writing. In order to facilitate this, I have for many years been in the habit of keeping a prayer journal, consisting of letters addressed to God. Each time I fill a journal, I promptly destroy it(against the sagacious advise of others) because if I were to die suddenly, I do not want anyone to know the full extent of my sinfulness!

But prayer ought to have as it's focus the person to whom you are praying- that is God. Hence the fact that it is such a good practice to begin prayer with praise and worship- this raises your mind to think of God and who it is you are actually adressing. My prayers are most often intellectual ponderings or introspective naval gazing. Whereas a blog allows all of you to gaze at my naval! (I apologize for the disturbing imagery.)

So, this is it. Consider this a preamble to things to come. I will also be creating a new blog, "Ask Peter", in order to field questions from teenagers about their faith or how they live it! Please note that I am only a lowly Youth Coordinator, and no theologian... if you want better answers, I refer you to www.catholic.com or www.EWTN.com.