Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Theotokos (45 Minutes)

Introduction to the era
1. Legalization of Christianity under Constantine
2. Heresies! A heresy is a belief that is based in Christianity, but is in dissagrement with the official teachings of the church.
1. Gnostics
1. This was one of the major heresies. They taught that Jesus was not really a man, but rather that he only pretended to be a man, but was actually pure spirit. This would mean that he didn't really die or rise from the dead- he just faked it.
2. Arianism
1. Arianism had a saying that went “There was when He was not”. In other words, they didn't believe that Jesus was God, but said that he was a created being
Councils- The Church would call councils, where all the bishops in the world who were able to would come together and try to settle issues. Jesus had promissed the Church through the popes and councils that the Holy Spirit would guide her to make the right decisions. Here are some examples of councils.
1. Council of Jerusalem- This is the first council, and took place in Jerusalem when the apostles were still alive. You can read about it in Acts 15. The debate was whether gentiles (non Jews) would have to become Jewish before they could become Christian, which would mean getting circumsized. They decided that that was no necessary.
2. Nicea- The council of Nicea settled the debate about whether or not Jesus was God. It took place in ????????. It is from this council that we get the Nicene Creed, which is why the Creed goes on so much about how Jesus is 'God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father.”
3. History of Bible; At first when St Paul and St John and others were writing their letters and Gospels, they had no idea that their writings might and up in Sacred Scripture. A lot of other Christians were also writing letters, and some even wrote Gospels and put the name of apostles on these Gospels (like the Gospel of Thomas) in order to make them look authentic. The Church had to decide which books actually belong. They did this in Church councils at the end of the 4th century. So anyone who thinks that the Bible is an authority should also agree that Church Councils are since they gave us the Bible.

1. Theotokos means “Mother of God”. Some Christians gave this title to Mary from early times, but others debated whether it was appropriate. They said it implied that Mary came before God, when she had clearly been created by God.
2. It was decided at the council of Ephesus in 431 AD that the title was appropriate.
3. “Mother of God”- Mary is Jesus' mother, Jesus was God, therefore she is Mother of God.
4. Does not imply that she came before God.
5. She did not give birth only to Jesus' humanity (human body and soul) but also to His divinity since Jesus is only one and cannot be separated.
6. This title was another way to honour Mary!
Honour of Mary in early church
1. Christians have always taught what the Church still teaches about Mary-
1. Immaculate conception- the teaching that Mary was created sinless and remained sinless
1. Consider this ancient hymn to Jesus, written in Nisibis in about 350 AD:
You alone and your mother
are more beautiful than any others
For there is no blemish in you ,
nor any stains upon your Mother.
Who of my children
can compare in beauty to these?
2. Mary remained a virgin after Jesus was born- some people today contest this.
1. St Athanasius referred to Mary as the “Ever Virgin” as early as 358AD.
history of Rosary
1. It is popularly believed that the Rosary was given to St Dominic, who introduced the devotion in the 13th century. However, historians point to even earlier origens, going back all the way to the desert fathers, who used prayer chains with 150 beads to keep track of their prayers. It is likely that Mary did appear to Dominic and have him pass on the devotion.
1. Since the earliest times, Christians have honoured Mary as their mother and mother of the Church. We must never worship anyone other than God. However, honouring his mother is honouring to God.


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